Annual Report 2022

Annual Report of the European Board of Internal Medicine 2022

The European Board of Internal Medicine (EBIM) has been working diligently over the past year to advance its mission of improving the quality of Internal Medicine training and practice in Europe. We are pleased to present this annual report to provide an update on our progress.

1 Tendering process for the provision of services to provide a European exam in Internal Medicine

We are excited to announce that a tendering process has been written and approved by the UEMS central office for the provision of services to provide a European exam in Internal Medicine. This process will be issued shortly, and we look forward to receiving bids from providers.

2 Creation of blueprint for the upcoming European exam in Internal Medicine

We have completed the creation of a blueprint for the upcoming European exam in Internal Medicine. This blueprint provides a framework for the exam, including the topics covered, the format of the questions, and the scoring system. We believe this blueprint will be invaluable for candidates preparing for the exam.

3 Training survey

The training survey for trainees and recently qualified Internists on the issues of postgraduate training and work-life balance is still open. We have received 209 responses thus far; both UEMS and EFIM should do better. The results of this survey will inform our future work in these areas and help us to better support Internists throughout their careers.

4 Call for working group to review the first European curriculum in Internal Medicine

A call has been made for a working group to review the 2016-approved first European curriculum in Internal Medicine. To ensure the European Curriculum’s fairness, comprehensiveness, and rigor, we believe a diverse group of internists with experience in training and education, representing all EFIM and UEMS members, is essential. This review will ensure that the curriculum remains relevant and up to date with the evolving needs of Internists.

5 Call for future question writers and exam board members

We have issued a call for future question writers and exam board members for the proposed European exam. We believe that a diverse group of professionals representing all EFIM and UEMS members will be essential to ensuring that the exam is fair, comprehensive, and rigorous.

6 Collaboration with EFIM Academy

We are excited to announce that we have begun collaborating with the EFIM Academy on a joint website, which will serve as a central hub for information and resources related to Internal Medicine training and practice in Europe.

Additionally, we are proposing guidance and accreditation for both EFIM Academy and EBIM content, including the newsletter ‘EBIM in the Loop’. We are confident that accreditation will guarantee the highest quality and relevance of the content provided by the EFIM Academy and EBIM.

8 Review of the Terms of Reference

We have reviewed the Terms of Reference for EBIM to include Young Internist representation. We believe that this will help to ensure that the perspectives and needs of young Internists are properly considered in our work.

9 Proposal to further pursue European Internal Medicine training program accreditation

We are proposing to continue our efforts in pursuing accreditation for European Internal Medicine training programs. We have designed an application form for accreditation, which will undergo testing. Our goal is to ensure that training programs offer the highest quality education and training to Internists through accreditation.

10 Proposal to further pursue European Internal Medicine certification of training

Finally, we are proposing to further pursue European Internal Medicine certification of training. We have created an application form for certification, which is currently undergoing testing.  This certification will help to ensure that Internists have the skills and knowledge necessary to provide high-quality care to patients throughout Europe.

We are proud of the progress we have made over the past year and look forward to continuing our work to improve Internal Medicine training and practice in Europe. We would like to thank all our members and partners for their support and commitment to this important work.