Europe needs to give a higher priority to health, to have health systems ready to provide state of the art care, and to be prepared to cope with epidemics and other unforeseeable health threats in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR). Whilst the overall framework for preparedness, early warning and response, is already in place under Decision 1082/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on serious cross-border threats to health, COVID-19 has shown the need to significantly boost the EU’s capability to respond effectively to such major health threats. An ambitious self-standing Programme, to be called the EU4Health Programme –for the period 2021-2027- will be the key instrument for delivering it; status: open per Jan, 2021.
Call for tender to promote short term mobility and exchanges of healthcare professionals working in the European Reference Networks; status: closed per May, 2020
The Curriculum has been designed to meet the professional requirements of the EU Directive on the mutual recognition of professions (2005/36/EC). This is available at EUR-Lex.