The EBIM is working towards enhancing the training in Internal Medicine in Europe. One of the most important tasks is to ensure that training programs reach an acceptable level of quality.
European Board guidance for training centres in Internal Medicine can be found here:
The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance for the accreditation process.
EBIM is currently working on the application form that can be used to apply for accreditation; the principles for accreditation are summarized here:
In Europe, a training center of Internal Medicine can be recognized by the EBIM if the center complies with the following:
• It must be recognized by the national competent authority as a formal training center in Internal Medicine in that country.
• It must have a training program that meets the requirements of the European Curriculum of Internal Medicine.
• It must submit a description of the training program, the trainers and its assessment system for approval by the EBIM.
The subsequent application form is to be completed by those institutions who believe that they have a training center that reflects this Internal Medicine curriculum and to this end seek accreditation from the European Board.
Application form (under development)
It is the aim of EBIM to have this application form available in the second half of 2022